Get it at your preferred time and place

You’d get good quality wheelie from us

Just be active & alive
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Pushero Race Series 01 - Gamuda Gardens 2020
18/07 - RHB Lekas Highway Night Ride 2020
Pushero Race Series 01 - Gamuda Gardens 2020
Bring your young athletes to The 1st Pushero Race Series at Gamuda Gardens!. It is made possible with the support of Ecocana Sdn Bhd and Gamuda Gardens.
May you refer more at our Facebook Event Page too!
Date: 13 June 2020
Time: 7AM - 1PM
Venue: Gamuda Gardens Experience Gallery
Registration fee: RM50
All participant will get one race pack include official t-shirt, medal, energy pack (usually Milo drinks & bread) and race kit (nick-named race plate & cable ties)
Stand a chance to win cash prizes & Hamley’s toys!
Closing Date: 7th March 2020
TURBO - 3 years old / Must born in 2017
SUPER - 4 years old / Must born in 2016
ULTRA - 5 years old / Must born in 2015
TITAN - 6 years old / Must born in 2014
*Schedule will be announce after closing date, where we'll have the no. of riders for each cat. Registration after Mar 7 will not be entertained. Train hard and see you there!
With regards to the growing concern on the Covid-19 outbreak, we have been advised by the ministries to postpone our first series of Pushero to June 13, 2020
We care about our young racers and you should too. We will contact all participants via email soon