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单车环岛之旅:新竹 > 台中(3)
单车环岛之旅:台北 > 新竹(2)
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Kampung Orang Asli Hulu Kuang can be translated to Native Village of Hulu Kuang. It is a village located in Kuang, Selangor that is fully inhabited by the natives of Malaysia. It is by no means a large village or a very popular one, but the main attraction of the village is a small waterfall located inside the forest of the village. The waterfall is split into two parts, one that is easier to reach by bicycle and one deeper inside which require hiking to get inside.
The trip starts in the early morning at Gamuda Gardens, Rawang. It is a park
located in a small town. The best thing about this garden is it’s fully
equipped with basic facilities such as washroom, parking spaces, convenient
mart and a bicycle shop. Some of us were quite drowsy from waking up early in
the morning which cause us to forget some essential stuff, we had to make last
minute shopping for necessities and bike parts before we can kick start our
journey. We were lucky to spot a bicycle shop called “Ecocana” in the garden
because some of us forgotten to bring the bare essentials such as tubes and
emergency tool, some of our bikes had some issues as well which was promptly
repaired on site.
To get to the native village we first had to pass through a few other villages, farms and factories. The journey was albeit a short one but full of different cultures and scenery within an hour ride. We rode pass a Hindu temple and Buddhist temple within 20 minutes of each other. When we saw a farm, we know the native village is only 10 minutes away from us.
There will be a gate manned by a security personnel at the entrance of the village. Because Malaysia is still recovering from Covid-19 virus, we had to “check in” before entering the village. It is for authorities to contact trace us if any of us had the virus. The security personnel are very friendly and polite, they direct us to the waterfall and caution us the danger of going into the waterfall.

The ride to the waterfall is split into half road riding and the other half of gravel riding. A basic hardtail mountain bike is enough to get through the gravel road. The route is mostly relatively flat with very mild ascend and descend, even a person who have never done mountain biking can ride through it.
We arrived at the first waterfall beside the road. It is relatively small and there is many trash and rubbishes littered all over the place from previous visitors. It is difficult to find a “clean” place to put our stuff down and the sight of rubbish all over the place would turn even a wild boar away from the place. Due to the unpleasant sight, we decide to go for the second waterfall which is further upstream. The second waterfall requires us to trek by foot for around 20 minutes through the jungle before reaching it.

The second waterfall is much cleaner and beautiful than the first one. Due to lack of visitor, the waterfall maintains its pristine nature. There is a blue lagoon at the waterfall that is Instagram worthy. The locals have a superstitious belief that whoever jump into the lagoon will not come out and the spirit is guarding the forest pathway as well. The water is cold and clean enough to drink. We hang around there for an hour or so before heading back out. We end the day with a lunch at one of the food stalls on the way back and left with nothing but memories.
Note: if you want to get to the waterfall contact Ecocana, they will guide you there.
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