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Just be active & alive


单车环岛之旅:新竹 > 台中(3)

这一天是小编这一辈子最难忘的一段旅途,正所谓:明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。自讨苦吃,自作自受!欲知详情,请接下去看自有分晓。 由于有了昨天的经验,已大概知道小编的体力和骑行的时速,于是决定早上7点就起床收拾行李,到附近吃个手抓饼就直接上路。小编特别喜欢吃手抓饼,和大马的印度煎饼很相似,美中不足的是没有咖喱酱搭配。 海之声 今天的天气很美,风和日丽的早晨下骑行,真的一大享受!在沿路上,看着

单车环岛之旅:台北 > 新竹(2)

很多人问小编,为什么要去到台湾骑行环岛?马来西亚不可以吗? 小编的答案很简单:台湾提供给骑行者的设施非常完善,无论是骑行道、地图、资讯、都随手可得,旅途费用也合宜,沿路都有便利店(东海岸除外),只要有手机和电话卡,你都可以随时随地得到各种资讯,就连他们的官方旅游局也推出手机运用程序,真的可说是:一机在手,无所不知呀!话说回来,小编第二天早上便到附近吃了手抓饼后,便迫不及待地到 “骑行


小编觉得,人生里至少要做一次:说走就走的旅行,完全没有编排,没有依据计划,带上简单的包袱,骑上铁马,就这样浪迹天涯。 经常看到杂志,书籍谈到台湾环岛旅行,当中所提倡的漫游与深度旅行的体验,这已令小编特别向往,也留意这类型旅途的细节。所以也说不上完全没有准备,只是在行程住宿都是依据当天的状况与心情才决定。别以为小编我是一个运动健将,一天行车几百公里丝毫不费力,又或者是思维发达,遇到问题或麻烦会立即

Short ride to Kampung Orang Asli Ulu Kuang

Kampung Orang Asli Hulu Kuang can be translated to Native Village of Hulu Kuang. It is a village located in Kuang, Selangor that is fully inhabited by the natives of Malaysia. It is by no means a larg

Mountain biking at Kampung Hulu Rening

Kampung Hulu Rening is a small village located in Batang Kali, Selangor. It is around 40 minutes’ drive from Kuala Lumpur making it a good place for a short weekend getaway. Families would travel here

Tekas XCO Bike Park - The hidden family friendly m..

Tekas XCO or “Trek Basikal Tekas” as the locals called it is a small XC oriented bike park not far away from the heart of KL. It is nowhere near as well known as Kiara park, PCP or as big as them but

Putrajaya Challenge Park Dirt Mountain Biking

Putrajaya Challenge Park or PCP as the locals called it is a massive extreme sports facility catered to the extreme sports market, it includes a wall climbing, skate park and mountain bike park. But I

Pushero Race Series 01 - Gamuda Gardens 2020

Pushero Race Series 01 - Gamuda Gardens 2020 Bring your young athletes to The 1st Pushero Race Series at Gamuda Gardens!. It is made possible with the support of Ecocana Sdn Bhd and Gamuda Gardens.Ma

18/07 - RHB Lekas Highway Night Ride 2020

RHB LEKAS Highway Ride 2020 is a Malaysia’s first closed highway night cycling annual event. It's going to be held on 18 July 2020. This round will take up to 120km distance, starting and finishing at

Bicycle & Cycling

Bicycle & Cycling

Mix FM contest! The LAST to the finish line wins!

Mix FM contest! The LAST to the finish line wins!

By Evelyn

Prem, Aishah, and Rod battle it out to be the Last Jedi standing with our bicycles! The LAST to the finish line wins! Find out who wins and who hilariously loses control in the video!...

单车环岛之旅:新竹 > 台中(3)

单车环岛之旅:新竹 > 台中(3)

By Stargazer

这一天是小编这一辈子最难忘的一段旅途,正所谓:明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。自讨苦吃,自作自受!欲知详情,请接下去看自有分晓。 由于有了昨天的经验,已大概知道小编的体力和骑行的时速,于是决定早上7点就起床收拾行李,到附近吃个手抓饼就直接上路。小编特别喜欢吃手抓饼,和大马的印度煎饼很相似,美中不足的是没有咖喱酱搭配。 海之声 今天的天气很美,风和日丽的早晨下骑行,真的一大享受!在沿路上,看着蓝天白云,天和大海连成一线,如此美丽的风景时,不禁的哼唱着阿牛的歌: 头上蓝蓝的天 我怎么看也看不见 理想 和憧憬 已变成 一幕幕 惊醒的 梦~餍 头上蓝蓝的天 我怎么看也看不见究竟我要找回来时...



By Stargazer 0 Comments

小编觉得,人生里至少要做一次:说走就走的旅行,完全没有编排,没有依据计划,带上简单的包袱,骑上铁马,就这样浪迹天涯。 经常看到杂志,书籍谈到台湾环岛旅行,当中所提倡的漫游与深度旅行的体验,这已令小编特别向往,也留意这类型旅途的细节。所以也说不上完全没有准备,只是在行程住宿都是依据当天的状况与心情才决定。别以为小编我是一个运动健将,一天行车几百公里丝毫不费力,又或者是思维发达,遇到问题或麻烦会立即做出适当的决策。我可统统都不是,与大多数人一样:都是一般的上班族。由于生活枯燥,机械式地重复每一天的工作,于是小编我大胆地、痛定思痛地决定:在2017年10月1号展开了台湾环岛自行车之旅! ...

单车环岛之旅:台北 > 新竹(2)

单车环岛之旅:台北 > 新竹(2)

By Stargazer

很多人问小编,为什么要去到台湾骑行环岛?马来西亚不可以吗? 小编的答案很简单:台湾提供给骑行者的设施非常完善,无论是骑行道、地图、资讯、都随手可得,旅途费用也合宜,沿路都有便利店(东海岸除外),只要有手机和电话卡,你都可以随时随地得到各种资讯,就连他们的官方旅游局也推出手机运用程序,真的可说是:一机在手,无所不知呀!话说回来,小编第二天早上便到附近吃了手抓饼后,便迫不及待地到 “骑行天下自行车” 领单车。 这单车是台湾的著名品牌:GIANT!是一部远途公路车,包含了头盔、车头灯、车尾灯、车锁、车尾包35L含防雨套、工具包、打气筒和两条内胎,有两座水壶架可是水壶是自备...

Short ride to Kampung Orang Asli Ulu Kuang

Short ride to Kampung Orang Asli Ulu Kuang

By James Chin 0 Comments

Kampung Orang Asli Hulu Kuang can be translated to Native Village of Hulu Kuang. It is a village located in Kuang, Selangor that is fully inhabited by the natives of Malaysia. It is by no means a large village or a very popular one, but the main attraction of the village is a small waterfall locat...

Tekas XCO Bike Park - The hidden family friendly mountain bike park in Kuala Lumpur

Tekas XCO Bike Park - The hidden family friendly mountain bike park in Kuala Lumpur

By James Chin 0 Comments

Tekas XCO or “Trek Basikal Tekas” as the locals called it is a small XC oriented bike park not far away from the heart of KL. It is nowhere near as well known as Kiara park, PCP or as big as them but this should not be the reason to steer away from it.   The entrance of the park sign&nb...

Mountain biking at Kampung Hulu Rening

Mountain biking at Kampung Hulu Rening

By James Chin

Kampung Hulu Rening is a small village located in Batang Kali, Selangor. It is around 40 minutes’ drive from Kuala Lumpur making it a good place for a short weekend getaway. Families would travel here for its crystal clear river which run throughout the village like a spider web and the serenity it ...

Putrajaya Challenge Park Dirt Mountain Biking

Putrajaya Challenge Park Dirt Mountain Biking

By James Chin 0 Comments

Putrajaya Challenge Park or PCP as the locals called it is a massive extreme sports facility catered to the extreme sports market, it includes a wall climbing, skate park and mountain bike park. But I am only going to be writing about the mountain bike facilities. The park caters to all levels of mo...

Konvoi Berbasikal Wanita 2017

Konvoi Berbasikal Wanita 2017

By Evelyn

Women Bicycle Convoy in conjunction with International Women's Day 2017. Happened on 11th March 2017 in Dataran Putrajaya, Presint 3, Putrajaya. ...

9th MyBalloon Fiesta 2017

9th MyBalloon Fiesta 2017

By Evelyn

9th MyBalloon Fiesta Bicycle Booth at Desa Park City, The Sports Centre. Happening on 10-12 Mar 2017 ...